Koepon Genetics - Maatschap Veebedrijf Koepon


Genomic index DEU: +148 GRZG (2024-06)

Production 626 M 0.75%F 0.26%P 106 F 50 P 149 RZM
Health 117 RZN 111 RZS 109 RZR 120 RZGes 2377 RZ€
Type 107 KÖR 112 MTY 97 EUT 95 FUN 101 RZE

Genomic index USA: +3106 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 1180 M 0.29%F 0.12%P 130 F 71 P 1155 NM
Health +5.2 PL 2.83 SCS -1.5 DPR
Type 1.40 UDC -0.02 F&L 1.60 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +222 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 731 M 0.84%F 0.26%P 111 F 50 P 447 INET
Health 303 LVD 101 UGH 103 CGT 104 VRU
Type 101 FR 103 RB 104 UI 95 BE 100 TOT


Koepon Kahn Cherry 17


Koepon Zazzle Cherry 13 VG-88

1.11 305d 9.799kgM 4.91%F 481kgF 3.81%P 373kgP

Flawless profile.


Koepon Zarek Cherry 11 GP-83

2.11 305d 10.016kgM 5.26%F 527kgF 4.05%P 406kgP


Koepon Cay Cherry 4 VG-86

2.02 305d 11.168kgM 4.78%F 534kgF 3.25%P 363kgP
4.00 305d 10.282kgM 5.13%F 528kgF 3.31%P 341kgP
5.01 305d 9.585kgM 4.78%F 458kgF 3.66%P 351kgP

Next generations

  • Koepon Cherry VG-86 (s. Rubicon)
    From the Classy family
  • Koepon Oak Classy 157 VG-86 (s. AltaOak)
    Her full sister is the dam to K&L CL Clever (s. Chevalier) in Spain
  • Koepon Mano Classy 90 VG-85 (s. Man-O-Man)
    Dam of the proven bull Koepon Beatclub @Qnetics
  • Koepon Shot Classy 17 VG-85 (s. Shottle)
  • Koepon Classy VG-86 (s. Simon)
  • Koepon Classy 1 VG-86 (s. Merrill)
