Excellent Koepon Sprg Classy 233 hits the 100,000 kgs mark

Koepon Sprg Classy 233 EX 90, (4th Lactation)
Koepon Genetics started the year 2024 with great news. The Excellent Westenrade AltaSpring daughter from the Classy cow family reached the milestone of 100,000 kgs of milk in 2208 days in just no time! This makes the brood cow the 46th dairy cow at the Koepon farm to pass this wonderful barrier.
Koepon Sprg Classy 233 EX-90 was classified last year in her 5th lactation with an Excellent score. The 8.5-years-old AltaSpring out of the Classys has already delivered more than ten offspring at Koepon, including the young Nuberon son Koepon Exponent at KI Kampen. Classy goes back to the well-known dairy and brood cow Koepon Snow Classy 97 VG-87 (lifetime production >130,000 kgsM). This deep cow family, which originally traces back to the North American Vir-Clar De Classy VG-88 (by Bell Elton), contains a pedigree with many high scoring VG dams and top milk producers. In addition, the Classy family is known for supplying bulls such as Cogent Supershot, Koepon Marpon, Koepon Showking and Koepon Beatclub.
Koepon Door Classy 161 GP-84, dam
Maternal sister Koepon Rubi Classy 267 (s. Rubicon)