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Koepon Marble Range 125 RDC, great Red breeder!

During the Koepon Summer Sale 2022, an opportunity arose to purchase a top-scoring granddaughter of Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86. Many interested parties seized this opportunity, including the Swedish dairy farm Alsgårds Lantbruk, owned by the Andersson family. Together with GenHotel, they acquired the red carrier Koepon Marble Marble Range 125 RDC!

Exporting to Sweden posed a challenge, so the still-young Koepon Marble Range 125 RDC was housed at the farm of the Poppe Holstein. During the flushing process, this exceptional Range 125 RDC successfully produced offspring sired by sire of sons Boero RF, Tricky Red, and Sharp Red. This resulted in several offspring in Sweden that mainly excelled on a gTPI basis. The highest-testing heifer calf from Range 125 RDC is the red Tricky Red daughter, Alsgaard 3STAR Milla Red, with a score of 154 gRZG and 2977 gTPI. Notably, 3STAR AG Range 2594 Red, a son of McRanger RDC, achieved an impressive 2916 gTPI and is a result of her own pregnacy.

Koepon Marble Range 125 RDC’s dam is a Peak AltaAltuve RDC daughter, directly descended from Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86. She has produced several sons sold to various international AI programs. Last summer, Koepon Altuve Range 6 RDC GP-84 calved for the third time. Additionally, another daughter named Koepon Crisalis Range 91 GP-84 was also sold during the same sale and went to Holbra Holsteins. Like her maternal sister Range 125 RDC, she has also produced outstanding offspring!

Very interesting embryos are available from this family! Check this outstanding offer.

Mternal sister Koepon Crisalis Range 91

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