Koepon Genetics - Maatschap Veebedrijf Koepon


Genomic index DEU: +142 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 1077 M 0.36%F 0.06%P 83 F 44 P 141 RZM
Health 123 RZN 125 RZS 106 RZR 114 RZGes 2179 RZ€
Type 100 KÖR 117 MTY 92 EUT 99 FUN 98 RZE

Genomic index USA: +3049 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1409 M 0.18%F 0.07%P 102 F 63 P 1107 NM
Health +6.2 PL 2.57 SCS -0.6 DPR
Type 0.94 UDC 0.24 F&L 0.99 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +373 GNVI (2024-12; B&W)

Production 1740 M 0.28%F 0.02%P 103 F 63 P 580 INET
Health 940 LVD 110 UGH 112 CGT 104 VRU
Type 93 FR 97 RB 103 UI 96 BE 97 TOT


Koepon Samson Doma 85 Rf RDC


Koepon Ranger Doma 60 Red

2.06 305d 10.594kgM 3.92%F 415kgF 3.44%P 364kgP


Koepon Altuve Doma 26 RDC

Same family as Woodcrest King Doc, Brenland Denver, Scientific Destry RDC, Debonair-Red & Ss Dusk RDC & Morningview Upright

AltaAltuve RDC

Koepon Appre P Doma 11

2.08 305d 11.970kgM 3.60%F 431kgF 3.16%P 378kgP
3.11 305d 11.741kgM 3.67%F 431kgF 3.36%P 394kgP
4.10 305d 10.865kgM 3.81%F 414kgF 3.42%P 372kgP

Next generations

  • Koepon Pbal P Doma 5 P RDC VG-85 (s. Powerball-P)
  • Future Dream Doma P Red (s. Ladd P)
  • Future Dream H. Debu-Red VG-88 (s. Advent-Red)
  • Scientific SS Debut-Red EX-90 (s. September Storm)
  • Scientific Debutante Rae EX-92 (s. Durham)
    Dam of Scientific Destry RDC
  • Scientific Jubilant Rae EX-90 (s. Jubilant RF)

Apprentice RDC