Range 91 revitalizes Prudence family at Holbra Holsteins

Koepon Crisalis Range 91 GP-84 (VG-88 MS)
In 2022, during the Koepon Summer Sale, the Holmer family (Holbra Holsteins) purchased Koepon Crisalis Range 91 by Crisalis RF and a granddaughter of the Red Holstein legacy Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86. Over the following two years, Range 91 was flushed multiple times, produced outstanding offspring, proved to be a good milker, and recently received her first classification score.
Koepon Crisalis Range 91 attracted the Holmer family's attention due to her excellent conformation and high genomic scores. She is a direct granddaughter of Red Range VG-96, who was named the Global Red Impact Cow of 2021 and Res. Red Global Cow of 2024. Her dam, Koepon Altuve Range 6 RDC, scored GP-84 and has produced several sons that have been sent to various AI stations, including Koepon Redroku Red at Intermizoo, Koepon Caruso RDC at MCB, and Koepon Spell Red, owned by a Slovenian AI.
The Crisalis RF daughter of this multi-bull dam was successfully flushed for the Italian AI company Intermizoo. From the combination with the all-rounder Mirco (Mick x AltaReserve), a daughter with 2896 gTPI (no. 1 gTPI heifer from Mirco) was born from these exported embryos. Furthermore, Range 91 produced daughters Holbra Range 1 (sired by Holysmokes) with 3029 gTPI and Holbra Range 9, a daughter of the bull Soysauce, with 3020 gTPI.
Several of Range 91's daughters entered the flush program. Contact us for requirements.
In January, the Crisalis daughter calved at just 2.04 years old and achieves a remarkable 305-day production of 12,148 kg of milk with 4.18% fat and 3.36% protein. Last month, she received a score of GP-84 with VG-88 MS, and she is expected to continue improving as she still develops!
Koepon Crisalis Range 91 GP-84
Koepon Altuve Range 7 RDC VG-87, full sister to dam Range 6 RDC
Holbra Manoa VG-85 (s. Man-O-Man), great granddam to Red Range VG-85 bred by Holbra Holsteins