Koepon Genetics - Maatschap Veebedrijf Koepon


Genomic index DEU: +152 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 463 M 0.41%F 0.02%P 62 F 19 P 124 RZM
Health 129 RZN 125 RZS 107 RZR 135 RZGes 2017 RZ€
Type 103 KÖR 111 MTY 126 EUT 117 FUN 131 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2761 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 522 M 0.14%F 0.04%P 61 F 29 P 770 NM
Health +6.6 PL 2.58 SCS -0.1 DPR
Type 1.79 UDC 1.23 F&L 1.73 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +296 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 743 M 0.39%F -0.01%P 69 F 25 P 259 INET
Health 1040 LVD 108 UGH 110 CGT 104 VRU
Type 99 FR 105 RB 110 UI 103 BE 107 TOT

10 Progeny

Koepon Tricky 3392 Rf
s. Tricky Red
Koepon Skat 3124 P RDC
s. Skat P RDC
Koepon Skat 3127 Red
s. Skat P RDC
Koepon Skat 3133 P ??
s. Skat P RDC
Koepon Skat Classy 526 P RDC
s. Skat P RDC
+360 GNVI  +2864 GTPI  +153 GRZG
Koepon Skat Classy 527 P RDC
s. Skat P RDC
+337 GNVI  +2835 GTPI  +155 GRZG
Koepon Skat Classy 528 P
s. Skat P RDC
+294 GNVI  +2722 GTPI  +150 GRZG
Koepon Skat Classy 529 P RDC
s. Skat P RDC
+259 GNVI  +2853 GTPI  +153 GRZG
Koepon Tricky Classy 530 RDC
s. Tricky Red
+2828 GTPI  +148 GRZG
s. Tricky Red
+2827 GTPI 


Koepon Ranger Classy 496 RDC


Koepon Top Classy 477 RDC GP-83

2.07 305d 11.006kgM 4.10%F 451kgF 3.36%P 370kgP
3.08 305d 12.492kgM 3.86%F 482kgF 3.33%P 416kgP


Koepon Salv Classy 364 GP-83

2.11 305d 10.182kgM 5.01%F 510kgF 3.63%P 370kgP
4.00 305d 10.678kgM 4.95%F 528kgF 3.53%P 377kgP
4.11 305d 10.755kgM 5.10%F 549kgF 3.63%P 390kgP

Lovely pedigree

Salvatore Rc

Koepon Slvr Classy 228 VG-86

2.09 305d 10.247kgM 5.01%F 514kgF 3.63%P 372kgP

Half-sister to the bull Koepon AltaCornell @ Alta

Next generations

  • Koepon Mano Classy 93 VG-87 (s. Man-O-Man)
  • Koepon Jeeves Classy 49 VG-85 (s. Jeeves)
  • Koepon Shot Classy 16 VG-85 (s. Shottle)
    Great broodcow, behind proven bull Koepon Beatclub @Qnetics
  • Koepon Classy VG-86 (s. Simon)
  • Koepon Classy 1 VG-86 (s. Merrill)
  • Vir-Clar De Classy VG-88 (s. Bell Elton)
