Koepon Genetics - Maatschap Veebedrijf Koepon


Genomic index DEU: +142 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 1995 M -0.35%F -0.19%P 41 F 47 P 133 RZM
Health 117 RZN 116 RZS 109 RZR 117 RZGes 1757 RZ€
Type 107 KÖR 123 MTY 106 EUT 113 FUN 119 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2751 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1785 M -0.13%F -0.03%P 34 F 48 P 739 NM
Health +6.2 PL 2.64 SCS -0.1 DPR
Type 1.56 UDC 1.59 F&L 1.45 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +284 GNVI (2023-04; R&W)

Production 2423 M -0.63%F -0.23%P 41 F 63 P 380 INET
Health 512 LVD 104 UGH 108 CGT 106 VRU
Type 101 FR 103 RB 109 UI 101 BE 106 TOT

13 Progeny

Koepon Trooper 2692 Rf
s. Trooper
Koepon Trooper 2693 Rf
s. Trooper
Koepon Network 2698 Red
s. Network-Red
Koepon Trooper 2694 Rf
s. Trooper
Koepon Trooper 2698 Rf
s. Trooper
Koepon Otezla Simply Red
s. Otezla-P*Rc
s. Altakawaii
+327 GNVI  +2985 GTPI 
Koepon Otezla P Range 186 P RDC
s. Otezla-P*Rc
+314 GNVI  +2680 GTPI 
Koepon Otezla Range 187 Red
s. Otezla-P*Rc
+294 GNVI  +2685 GTPI  +136 GRZG
s. Kessel RDC
+288 GNVI  +2918 GTPI 
Koepon Kessel Range 238 Red
s. Kessel RDC
+288 GNVI  +2799 GTPI  +139 GRZG
Koepon Network Range 189 Red
s. Network-Red
+269 GNVI  +2793 GTPI  +139 GRZG
Koepon Hugo Range 203 P RDC
s. HugoPP RDC
+230 GNVI  +2605 GTPI  +124 GRZG


Koepon Sput Range 34 Red GP-84

2.04 305d 12.454kgM 3.52%F 438kgF 3.30%P 410kgP
3.05 305d 11.916kgM 3.91%F 466kgF 3.49%P 415kgP

83 FR  84 DS  86 MS  81 FL  GP-84

Sputnik RDC

Koepon Swingmn Range 2 Red VG-85

3.00 305d 11.187kgM 4.16%F 466kgF 3.13%P 350kgP
4.06 305d 12.378kgM 3.91%F 484kgF 3.32%P 411kgP

3 full brothers in AI (Semex, ABS and Masterrind)

Swingman Red

Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86

2.11 305d 9.677kgM 4.38%F 424kgF 3.40%P 329kgP
4.00 305d 9.900kgM 4.82%F 477kgF 3.45%P 342kgP
5.06 305d 12.674kgM 4.61%F 585kgF 3.54%P 449kgP

Global Red Impact Cow 2021! 16 sons in AI, among them 3STAR OH Ranger-Red! Many extremely high daughters as well!

Salvatore Rc

De Oosterhof Dg Rose RDC VG-89

Lifetime: 2.201d 77.855kgM 4.79%F 3.729kgF 3.59%P 2.795kgP

6th lactation (11-2024). At least 5 sons in AI. Red Impact Cow of the Year 2022 nominee! Super transmitting cow, several sons in AI and granddam of 3STAR OH Red Ranger @ Semex!!

Next generations

  • Telgter Aikman Doreen RDC GP-83 (s. Aikman RDC)
  • Holbra Manoa VG-85 (s. Man-O-Man)
  • Holbra Pam VG-87 (s. Mascol)
    Lifetime: 2062d 73.468kgM 4.46%F 3274kgF 3.57%P 2620kgP
  • Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88 (s. Durham)
  • Mayerlane-DK Hiawatha EX-90 (s. Rudolph)
  • Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 (s. Chief Mark)
    Next dam EX-91 Sexation x EX-93 Elevation x EX-94 Highmark x EX-91 Bootmaker Lee x EX-90 Mingo x VG-85 Star Man x VG-86 Rag Apple 
