Admire the fancy daughters of K&L OH Mabel
Next generation is popping!
You definitely know K&L OH Mabel, the Progenesis Granite daughter who is regularly in the spotlight, because her male and female offspring score fantastically high on TPI, NVI and RZG basis. There is a lot of interest in this super cow family with already many bulls delivered to AI stations, including four sons of Mabel herself!
Of the more than 40 descendants of Mabel, two daughters are recently pictured. It concerns the half-sisters K&L OH Mallory (s. De-Su Kenobi) and K&L OH Melanie (s. Sandy-Valley Challenger). They are granddaughters of the great brood cow Maybelline Tual VG-85, which is backed by an American matriarch: Schrokytop L-Man Becky VG-88. Both heifers have a super gTPI and manage to attract the attention of sire analysts. Both Mabel and these two daughters are born out of the successful collaboration between Melkveebedrijf de Oosterhof and 3STAR Genetics!
K&L OH Mallory has a flawless genomics profile. With 127 EUT and high traits for fitness and fertility, she tests great in Germany. Mallory scores a beautiful 2907 gTPI in America, which makes her one of the highest flush age heifers in Europe! What also makes her appealing is that she has the A2A2 Beta Casein!
Mabel her Challenger daughter K&L OH Melanie is one of the highest gTPI offspring from this cow family. She scores 2955 gTPI with 780 NM$. With her 2955 TPI she is even in the Top 10 gTPI in Europe! Like her maternal-sister, Melanie also has a flawless genomic profile, scores 127 EUT and has the A2A2 Beta Casein as well.
K&L OH Melanie (s. Challenger)
Maybelline Tual VG-85 (s. Rubicon), granddam of Mallory & Melanie