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The stunnish Wilt Elaya - new picture!

When Wilt Elaya was a pregnant heifer, she was brought from France to Germany where she calved in December 2023. The first-time calver sired by Siemers Lambda Haniko, has already achieved two impressive show results in Germany since!

Elaya made her show debut in January at the Schwarzbunt-Tage 2024, where the 2-yr-old of AM Holsteins + Nesslage won the Junior Reserve Championship. Shortly after, the Haniko daughter received an impressive score of VG-87, with a whopping VG-88 for udder. After Büscherhoff Holsteins joined as one of her owners, Elaya was able to participate in the Schau der Besten 2024 a month later, in February. This participation brought Elaya a 2nd place in her class, and she was crowned Honorable Mention of the 2-yr-olds. After this achievement, this new impressive photo was taken!

The success of this milking heifers lays in an outstanding pedigree. Elaya VG-87 traces via EX-94 Iliade x VG-89 Bradnick x EX-93 Goldwyn, back to brood cow WILT Elena EX-93. Wilt Elena is the dam of the well-known Mars Yorick daughter Wilt Emy EX-95.

Wilt Elwyn EX-93, 3th dam

WILT Elena EX-93, 4th dam

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