Genomics News

Etaregge Holsteins: +160 GRZG Styx from Brooklyns family

Etaregge Styx Moree Red is a +160 GRZG / +342 GNVI Styx daughter of Etaregge Holsteins. She offers an extremely high production index (+150 RZM / +521 INET) and high type (+138 RZE / +112 Exterieur). Moree Red is the #5 from her birth year and she will be flushed soon.


Moree Red has an outcross pedigree for R&W. Her dam is a Red Carrier Silver daughter of Etaregge Gold Moviestar RDC GP-83, a Goliath daughter of Etaregge Arroyo A Maribel RDC VG-87. Maribel RDC is an Arroyo daughter of Etaregge Burns A Margo (Mr Burns x Etaregge Kian Asmira 4 RDC VG-86), a full sister to the proven bull Etaregge Brooklyn @ CRV.

Etaregge Arroyo A Maribel RDC VG-87
Etaregge Arroyo A Maribel RDC VG-87

Genomics News