HHH-Show 2014

HHH-Show 2014
Today, December 12th, is the first day of the HHH-Show in Zwolle. The show will start at 13.00 with the Young Breeders competition (Toilet and Showmanship). These classes will be judged by Scott Ruby. Tomorrow the black/white and red/white Holsteincows will enter the ring. The cows will be judged by Markus Gerber (R&W) and Micheal Heath (BW). Please visit the K&L stand at the HHH-Show.
Tulip Sale
The Tulip Sale will take place this evening (start: 18.00). Several GenHotel members have heifers in the sale. See "ATTACHMENTS" for the complete Sale Catalogue.
Lot 57. Beeze Heja Classy 5
Lot 44. CNN Bali Danica
Lot 46. CNN Miss Europe
Lot 15. 1st Choice Powerball P x Col Darling
Lot 52. Safari P
Lot 3. Giessen Gorgeous 14 ET
Lot 25. Giessen Cinderella 104
Lot 17. Koepon HLG Regenia 170
Lot 18. Koepon DIS Regenia 166
Lot 37. Koepon SRG Coverluck 1
Schep Holsteins Friesland B.V.
Lot 66. HBC Balisto Isa 6169
Lot 47. Schreur Caralie 13 RC
Lot 48. Schreur Caralie 15 P Red
Lot 59. Schreur Adico
Lot 53. De Oosterhof MC J&B Of Sunrise
Lot 24. 1st Choice Commander/Pulsar x Zandenburg Uno Hispanja
Lot 50. Zandenburg Predest Wanja