De Uilenreef Charity 16 named Res. Grand Champion De Zuidwesthoek!

Het Uilenreef Charity 16 EX-91
Last Friday several GenHotel members travelled to compete at the evening show named De Zuidwesthoek, the last dairy show of the 2023 show season. The evening was extra glorious for Robert Neppelenbroek, because of the title he won with Het Uilenreef Charity 16 EX-91! Furthermore, there was also plenty of success for GenHotel members, although also for their stunning sold females!
During the championship for older cows, the EX-91 Undenied daughter owned by Neppelenbroek & Koevar already struck, where the five-year-old Charity 16 was named Senior Champion. The Grand Champion + Udder Champion of the Veekeuring Balk 2022 calved for the third time in October. In the sight of a large number of people which came to visit this show the Undenied was named Res. Grand Champion in the finals. The Grand Champion was Pepper daughter Giessen Cinderella 216 of Theo van Vliet, which also won the Championship of Young Cows just before this title.
Het Uilenreef Charity 16 EX-91
In the class with Young Milking Cows. the second lactation Pepper was just ahead of the pitch-black New Moore Doorman Jantje bred- and owned by the Prent-Withaar family. The Doorman daughter, classifed as a 2-yr-old with VG-87, competed just 6 weeks fresh in second lactation. Her dam is a Fever out of a Proud which both managed to achieve an enormous lifetime production with respectively 89.803 kgM (6 lactations) and 100.438 kgM (10 lactations)! Jantje VG-87 was praised by the jury and was crowned Res. Champion Young Cows.
In the first class of young cows a descendant from one of Drouner Holsteins' cow families entered the show ring. It was a fresh, second calver Sidekick from the Drouner Anna cow family that was shown by owner Mulder-ter Steege. This cow was sold 2 months fresh in her first lactation, by the Albring family. Drouner Anna 1798 is a granddaughter of a VG-87 Mogul and then comes the EX-90 classified Drouner Anna 1112 (s. Struik), with a lifetime production of 97,648 kgsM. This breeding product of the Albring family achieved a class-win and was named Honorable Mention Young Cows.
New Moore Doorman Jantje VG-87
The Champion & Reserve Champion
Drouner Anna 1789
There was also success for New Moore Holsteins in the youngest class of the day, where the deep red Blondin Warrior Red daughter New Moore Wari Dora 2 was crowned Junior Heifer Champion. The beautifully lined and strong-built Warrior Red comes from the EX-90 scored hundred-tonner New Moore Dora 203 (by Talent RF).
New Moore Wari Dora 2 (s. Warrior-Red)
Moeder New Moore Dora 203 EX-90
The strong class with maiden & prefnant heifers contained a leading trio. The jury was particularly charmed by Batouwe Mirand Amara P RC, a Mirand P out of De Dorre Artist Apple RC - the Artist daughter, which was sold during the De Dorre Selection Sale in 2020 and changed hands. Earlier this year, Amara P RC was sold by the Bakker family through an online sale to Melkveebedrijf Dunnink and was awarded as Junior Champion during this evening show! She is a descendant of the one and only KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96.
Batouwe Mirand Amara P RDC