Another show highlight for Lola V/h Zomerbloemhof EX-91!

Lola V/h Zomerbloemhof EX-91
At the Provincial Championships in Wulpen, Belgium, GenHotel member Van het Zomerbloemhof entered the ring with some of their best show cows. One of these cows is Senior Champion Agri-Flanders 2023, Lola V/h Zomerbloemhof EX-91. After calving for the fifth time in March 2023, this fabulous appearance was ready again for the summer show season and competed last weekend.
An unique appearance, that is the very youthful and well-preserved EX-91 S-S-I Mogul Reflector daughter from the Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 family for sure! After given birth to a Cookiecutter Hypnotic heifer calf in March, Lola EX-91 started her fifth lactation smoothly and is now reaching a daily production of almost 50 kgsM. With an average 305-days-production of more than 14,000 kgsM, the current lifetime production of this excellent show cow is almost 75,000 kgsM!
Lola has also been intensively flushed in order to get several offspring from her, because she was very interesting due to her high TPI and NVI. With success, because the actual number 5 gNVI B&W female, Delta Nora (by Koepon Marpon), is a great-granddaughter of Lola.
Lola V/h Zomerbloemhof also attracted the attention of the judge during the Provincial Championships held in Wulpen, where she was named Senior Champion 2023! Production, index and great conformation, in short the total package from the Van het Zomerbloemhof herd!
Lola with her owner Dries Lahousse
In six generations, the Reflector goes back to Lynmead Celsius Minnow EX-91, a cow that is the foundation of several high-performing offspring. She is the brood cow behind bulls such as Roylane Socra Robust, Roylane Bookem Bob, Roylane Boxer Punch & Plain-Knoll King Royal. She also is the foundation behind the female branch of Plain-Knoll Mogul Mariah VG-88, from which the donors Beerzedal 3STAR Minka 4 and De Oosterhof 3STAR Marion where born and are being used for the 3STAR Breeding Program.
The Lahousse family also excelled in the Intermediate Class with one of their young dairy cows. The second lactation Woodcrest King Doc, Odinkie V/h Zomerbloemhof VG-88, took second place in her class. A glance at her pedigree reveals that Odinkie is via fourth dam MS Atlees Goldwyn Ariel EX-92 tracing back to MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94! This cow also achieves a great milk production after calving in November 2022. The VG-88 King Doc is pojected to produce nearly 15,200 kgsM in 305 days.
Odinkie VG-88
These two cows together also formed Lahousse-Van het Zomerbloemhof's herd group, which was named the Best Herdgroup of Wulpen 2023 and was for Lahouse the true icing on the cake!