Wilder Smokey RDC classified

Wilder Smile, dam of Wilder Smokey and Wilder Smiley
Family Oudenampsen has had a visit of the classified last week. as always the Anemoon cowfamily dominated and the highest one was again a member of the Anemoon family!
Huntje Holstein Anemoon 183 (Riverboy x VG-86 Fraiko x EX-90 Burgus (the famous Anemoon 66) was classified VG-87 with VG-88 for her superb mammary system! She was reserve Champion 10 days ago on the show in Laren. Another granddauhter of Anemoon 66 EX-90, sired by Fun P, was classified VG-85.
Red carrier Silver daughters
Huntje Holstein Anemoon 83 (Mr. Savage) is a very successful bulldam. She is the dam Huntje Holsteins Armada RDC (he is the dam of for example Delta Goal) and also the dam of Huntje Holstein Kavage P Red at RSH in Germany. Anemoon 83 was flsuhed with Silver as well, now Huntje Holsteins has 3 milking heifers of that mating. Earlier this year Anemoon 175 got VG-87, now her full sisters Anemoon 194 and 195 both were classified VG-85 with VG scores for udder and feet and legs. Anemoon 195 has a red daughter by Anreli with high indexes. Anemoon 246 Red is 152 gRZG on the German base and 291 gNVI. She belongs to the higher index heifers.
Wilder Smokey RDC
Wilder Smokey RDC is probably one the most succcesfull red carrier daughters from last year. She was bought together with GenHotel als a calf and has proven to be a great transmitter. She has 3 daughters dborn and they are all great! A Red Styx daughtrer with 161 gRZG, a red Pace with 153 gRZG and a Red carrier Esperanto with 153 gRZG. The Styx belongs to the highest of all red females worldwide and all will be fluished for embryocontracts. Wilder Smokey RDC is a sister to sire of sons Wilder Smiley RDC. Smokey now is classified VG-86. And she is roducing very good, 11% above the herdaverage: 2.01 305d 9.646kgM 4.25%V 410kgV 3.41%E 329kgE. Because of her great transmitting abilities and her own performance K&L and Huntje decided to flush her again. She has 4 embryos available by Spark through the GenHotel Embryoprogramma. if you are interested please contact Martijn van der Boom (0031-624217748)
Next to these highlights a just fresh milking heifer by Payball got VG-87! Nienke 9 her dam is a VG-89 Classic daughter.
The highest classified cows this round:
Name | Sire | Lact No | F | T | U | F&L | Final score |
Anemoon 183 | Riverboy | 1 | 88 | 87 | 88 | 86 | 87 |
Nienke 9 | Payball | 1 | 88 | 88 | 86 | 86 | 87 |
Smokey RDC | Battlecry | 1 | 86 | 86 | 85 | 87 | 86 |
Anemoon 194 | Silver | 1 | 83 | 82 | 87 | 86 | 85 |
Anemoon 195 | Silver | 1 | 81 | 80 | 86 | 86 | 85 |
Anemoon 193 | Fun P | 1 | 84 | 86 | 83 | 89 | 85 |
Huntje Holstein Anemoon 83
Huntje Holstein Anemoon 66 EX-90
Sanderij Massia Sneeuwitje, granddam of Wilder Smokey