Update De Dorre Holsteins

Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-91, dam to Byway Imelda & Doorman!
The site of De Dorre Holsteins is updated again and a few new heifers are added. What to think of offspring from probably two of the best Talent daughters worldwide; Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95 & Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95 or a direct daughter of Val-Bisson Shottle Imdelda EX-91…
De Dorre Drive Licorice
De Dorre Drive Licorice is a daughter of Scientific Drive (Marrick x Doorman x Debutante Rae family) out of the awesome Gold Chip daughter MS Licorice GC Luhous RDC VG-88. The dam to Lushous RDC is non-other-than Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95 (s. Talent), the Honourable Mention Grand Champion from the Royal Winter Fair 2010. The pedigree of Licorice goes via daughters of Rudolph and Skychief back at Ravenswell Lydia EX-92 (Astro Jet). Lydia is also the broodcow behind other great brood- and showcows such as Idee Lustre eX-95 and Idee Goldwyn Lynley EX-94.
Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95
De Dorre Bandid Barbara
Another impressive Talent daughter, Rainyridge Talent Barbara RDC EX-95, is the 4th dam to De Dorre Candid Barbara. Her dam is a VG-87 Dozer daughter out of a VG-86 Supersire daughter of Rainyridge Super Beth RDC VG-86 (Superstition x Talent Barbara RDC). The dam to Talent Barbara RDC is the EX-95 classified Outside daughter RF Outside Breeze. She is via an Excellent Milan a granddaughter of Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX, the cow that won the Grand Champion title at the World Dairy Expo at 14-years of age.
Rainyridge Talent Barbara RDC EX-95
De Dorre Byway Imelda
Last but not least is De Dorre Byway Imelda, a direct Byway daughter out of the great broodcow Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-91. Shottle Imelda is the dam to the proven bull Val-Bisson Doorman (s. Bookem) who is a half-brother to Byway Imdelda. Next dam is Val-Bisson Goldwyn Maya VG-86, Canadian Cow of the Year 2016.
Val-Bisson Doorman (Bookem x Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-91), half-brother Byway Imelda