Unique: 2-yr-Old crowned Grand Champion: Drouner AJDH Aiko 1288

Drouner AJDH Aiko 1288
On the Rundvee Show Noord (a very big local show with all the best cows and heifers from the North of Holland several GenHotel members were succesfull. Red Rocks, Drouner, Bolleholster and Bosma took some prices home!
Family Albring- Drouner Holsteins
Familie Albring had success on both the R&W and B&W shoew and with milking and maiden heifers classes! Drouner AJDH Aiko 1288 did something special: she became Grand Champion although she is a 2-yr-old! Aiko 1288 was Honorable Mention at the national show last month and she became Champion of the 1st calved cows as well. Aiko 1288 is a red Olympian daughter of the well known Drouner AJDH Aiko RDC ( Freddie x KHW GW Aiko).
Drouner was also succesfull with Drouner AJDH Cosmo: She as Reserve Champion intermediate cows. The herdgroup of Drouner was also Reserve Champion adn the herdgroup with young heifers as well!
Grand Champions of the show Drouner AJDH Aiko 1288 and New Moore Maria 217
Red Rocks Holsteins-family Wesselink
Family Wesselink did a great job as well. Red Rocks Super Star 1 (Julandy) was Intermediate Champion at the Reds! The herdgroup of Red Rocks was Champion of all red groups!
Bolleholster and Bosma
Jan vd Wal (Bolleholster Holsteins) won (together with Jacco Posthumus) with Bolleholster Gold Mae (Gold Chip) wads Grand Champion of all heifers! Maikel Bosma had a nice group of heifers and became reserve Champion of the heifer groups.
Theo van Vliet received the W.N. Pon award for his breeding results.
on the right all results in a pdf.