Two new excellent cows at Holbra Holsteins

Holbra Palody VG-88, dam to Holbra Palody 2 EX-90
At Holbra Holsteins two 3rd lactation cows are classified excellent yesterday. Holbra Palody 2, the Intermediate Champion from the fokveedag Bathmen-Laren 2015, is now EX-90 EX-91-MS. The pedigree from this Kindness goes through Holbra Palody VG-88 (Goldwyn) back at the famous O Man daughter Holbra O Man Paula VG-87 (O Man x Holbra Petra EX-90 x Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88).
Red & White
The number of red cows at Holbra Holsteins is in the minority, but their quality certainly not less. This is proven by Jotan daughter Holbra Lian 3 who is also classified EX-90. Her pedigree goes via a VG-85 Lichtblick daughter back at Holbra Pietje 515 VG-86, a Beautiful daughter of Huyben Pietje 514 VG-87 (Tulip). Pietje 515 and her full sister Holbra Pietje 516 VG-88 are the broodcows from all R&W cows at Holbra Holsteins.
Holbra Lian 3 EX-90
Holbra Lian 3 EX-90