Stouwdamshof and ARGH succesfull at Oldebroek

Stouwdamshofe Malve 133
At the local show in Oldebroek last Saturday ARGH dominated at the maiden heifer show and familie van t Hof had the Champion Older red cows plus best udder from the whole R&W show!
Familie van 't Hof was succesfull with several class winners. In the end they were most succesfull with the 8th lactation cow Stouwdamshof Malve 133. Sire by their own bred bull Stouwdamshof 274 she was Champion older cows and udder champion of the whole show! Furthermore she has a lifetime production of 88.204kgM levensproductie! With their red herdgroup van 't hof was Reserve Champion, behind the group of Puttenstein, who was Champion younger cows and Grand Champion with Brook Marie 73.
ARGH Holsteins is well known from their great type, and they proved it again Saturday! They dominated most classes. AR Type Alisha was st in her class and Champion older heifers. Peak Fstco Wckmin 8870 (bought on the Koepon Summer Sale) was 2nd in her class abd 3rd in the finals. The newly arrived heifer Ham Doorman Angel (Doorman granddaughter of Arethusa Ashlyns Angel EX-96!) was 1st in her class and Champion from the older calves!
Alos at the milking classes ARGH was succefull with Roccafarm Comine! She was 1st in her class and Reserve Champion 1st calved cows! Pelleboer from Ijsselmuiden was the most succesfull breeder byy having the Grand Champion and the best herdgroup B&W.
on the right all results of the show
Ham Doorman Angel
Roccafarm Comine after being Reserve Champion with Jan Willem, Rick and Tess Schoonhoven