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Spirit Precilla wins in Wanneperveen

The well-known Spirit Precilla of Giessen Holsteins was named Grand Champion at the show in Wannerperveen. In the senior classes she was placed over Goldwyn daughter Aaltje 253 owned by the Zandstra family, Ruinerwold.

Again Giessen Holsteins

Gold Chip daughter Giessen Charity 65, also owned by Giessen Holsteins, won the junior 2-yr old title. Seaver daughter Dora 153 from de Weerd was named reserve by judge Alex Borst of Koepon Genetics. Intermediate championship titles were won by two cows from the Withaar family. New Moore Maria 324 (Taylor) was named champion and placed over herdmate New Moore Koosje 31 (Rowyn).

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