Southland Holsteins had an excellent show-day!

Southland Malki Lana
Recently, the results of the West Brabant Videokeuring were presented. Southland Holsteins did very well and won two prizes in just one category.
In the two-year-old category, the Woodcrest King Doc Southland Doc Dellia VG-87 won the Honorable Mention title. This strong-built milking heifer is classified with VG-89 MS and hails from the deep Southland Dellia 44 EX-90 cow family of Van Beek. Currently her 305-day production is projected on 9.613 kgs milk with 4.72% fat and 3.49% protein.
The late maturing two-year-old Southland Malki Lana (s. Big Malki) had to compete to her herdmate. At long last Lana managed to stay ahead of Doc Dellia VG-87 and won the Reserve Junior Championship. The first lactation Big Malki is a great-granddaughter of Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket EX-94, dam of 14 Excellent and 27 VG daughters in North America.