Genomics News

Proofs the Netherlands (R&W)

Lowlands Bolero (+244 NVI), the Lawn Boy son of Julia 382 and bred by Werler Holsteins, is still the #1 red bull in the Netherlands. His full brother, Red Cliff, is the #7 with +174 NVI.
The #2 is Camion van de Peul (+215) who is followed by Bart (+204). Molenkamp Sam is the #4 at +201 NVI. Other high bulls bred by GenHotel members are Schreur Africa (+165) and Etaregge Brooklyn (+157).


The highest bull on the Interbull list is also a Lawn Boy son; Amor Red. He scores +206 NVI and is followed by Rudolp-Red (+169), Tycoon-Red (+167) and Elwood (+166).


Romano is with +284 GNVI the highest red genomic bull. Norbert (+281) is the new #2 and the Polled Kavage P is the #3 at +279 GNVI.
Schreur Apoll P Red (+269; out of Verhages Bos Candlelight P Red) is the #5 and Red Rocks Effort is the #7 with +248 GNVI. The Deputy half-brother to Effert, Red Rocks Watcher, is the #21. Dam to Effort and Watcher is Snowman daughter Bonhill Warsi 124 RDC from Red Rocks Holsteins.

Proofs Holland / Fokwaarden Nederland (august 2015)

More info: GES Fokwaarden

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Genomics News