Poppe Fienchen 804 now VG-88

Poppe Fienchen 804 now VG-88
Danillo daughter Poppe Fienchen 804 is classified VG-88 (88 FR 89 DS 88 MS 87 FL) in her second lactation. Her dam is the impressive Stol Joc daughter Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC VG-88. Fienchen 804 is the dam to Boss son Poppe Ferdi (KI Kampen) and a full sister to Poppe Fienchen 803 RDC. A first lactation full sister to Fienchen 804 and Fienchen 803, Poppe Fienchen 818, is classified VG-86.
Other highlights
Ellmau daughter Poppe Hanneke 904 is classified VG-88 as a 2-yr old. She received 89 FR 88 DS 86 MS 88 FL. Hanneke 904 is producing very well and is projected at over 10.000 kg of milk with 3.52% protein. Another high scoring 2-yr old is Poppe Brigitha who is projected at 11.743 kg of milk. Sired by O-style she hails out of a Sanchez daughter of Regancrest Belara EX-94. Belara is one of the excellent Shottl daughters of Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92 and that makes her a full sister to the proven bull Regancrest S Braxton EX-95.
Finally Poppe Annabel 468, an almost 10 year old Lucky Mike daughter with a lifetime production of over 90.000 kg of milk. She is classified VG-87 and has quite a special pedigree being a Lucky Mike x Manat x Decision x Well Catalyst x Esquima x Dannix x Southwind tracing back at Miss Tradition Lolli EX-90. Annabel 468 produced 14.372 kg of milk with 3.54% protein in 305 days in her current (5th) lactation and at this moment she is milking for 457 days and produced 20.059 kg of milk.
Name | Sire | Dam | Col | Lac | FR | DS | MS | FL | TOT |
Hanneke 904 | Ellmau | Poppe Hanneke 662 | R | 1 | 89 | 88 | 86 | 88 | 88 |
Fienchen 804 | Danillo | Poppe Fienchen 580 | Z | 2 | 88 | 89 | 88 | 87 | 88 |
Annabel 468 | Lucky Mike | Annabel | Z | 5 | 86 | 88 | 86 | 87 | 87 |
Brigitha | Co-op O-Style Oman Just | Regancrest Sanchez Breea | Z | 1 | 87 | 86 | 86 | 87 | 87 |
Fienchen 818 | Danillo | Poppe Fienchen 580 | Z | 1 | 86 | 87 | 86 | 84 | 86 |
Esmiralda 884 | Danillo | Poppe Esmiralda 661 | Z | 1 | 84 | 86 | 86 | 87 | 86 |
Regancrest Belara EX-94, granddam to Brigitha