Type News

Poppe Fienchen 804 now VG-88

Danillo daughter Poppe Fienchen 804 is classified VG-88 (88 FR  89 DS  88 MS  87 FL) in her second lactation. Her dam is the impressive Stol Joc daughter Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC VG-88. Fienchen 804 is the dam to Boss son Poppe Ferdi (KI Kampen) and a full sister to Poppe Fienchen 803 RDC. A first lactation full sister to Fienchen 804 and Fienchen 803, Poppe Fienchen 818, is classified VG-86.

Other highlights

Ellmau daughter Poppe Hanneke 904 is classified VG-88 as a 2-yr old. She received 89 FR  88 DS  86 MS  88 FL. Hanneke 904 is producing very well and is projected at over 10.000 kg of milk with 3.52% protein. Another high scoring 2-yr old is Poppe Brigitha who is projected at 11.743 kg of milk. Sired by O-style she hails out of a Sanchez daughter of Regancrest Belara EX-94. Belara is one of the excellent Shottl daughters of Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92 and that makes her a full sister to the proven bull Regancrest S Braxton EX-95.


Finally Poppe Annabel 468, an almost 10 year old Lucky Mike daughter with a lifetime production of over 90.000 kg of milk. She is classified VG-87 and has quite a special pedigree being a Lucky Mike x Manat x Decision x Well Catalyst x Esquima x Dannix x Southwind tracing back at Miss Tradition Lolli EX-90. Annabel 468 produced 14.372 kg of milk with 3.54% protein in 305 days in her current (5th) lactation and at this moment she is milking for 457 days and produced 20.059 kg of milk.

Name Sire Dam Col Lac FR DS MS FL TOT
Hanneke 904  Ellmau Poppe Hanneke 662 R 1 89 88 86 88 88
Fienchen 804 Danillo Poppe Fienchen 580 Z 2 88 89 88 87 88
Annabel 468  Lucky Mike Annabel Z 5 86 88 86 87 87
Brigitha  Co-op O-Style Oman Just Regancrest Sanchez Breea Z 1 87 86 86 87 87
Fienchen 818  Danillo Poppe Fienchen 580 Z 1 86 87 86 84 86
Esmiralda 884  Danillo Poppe Esmiralda 661 Z 1 84 86 86 87 86

Regancrest Belara EX-94, granddam to Brigitha

Type News