Poppe Fienchen 580; what a broodcow!

Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC VG-88
Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC VG-88 is a great brood cow for Poppe Holstiens. She has another daughter scoring VG-87 as a 2-yr old. Her Zelgadis daughter, Poppe Fienchen 867, is classified 89 FR, 86 DS, 85 MS and 88 F&L. She is the 4th daughter of Fienchen 580 that is classified VG-87. Fienchen 580 also has 5 more daughters scoring VG-86 and several at VG-85. Her 23 classified daughters average 84.6 points. A unique performance. Offspring of Fienchen 580 spread over several farms including Den Hamer Holsteins, Hof am Sylvert and Poppe Holsteins.
Poppe Fienchen 804 VG-87, Danillo daughter of Fienchen 580 at Poppe Holsteins
Poppe Fienchen 803 RDC VG-86, Danillo daughter of Fienchen 580 at Poppe Holsteins
- Fienchen 803 is the dam to Poppe Fienchen 944 Red and Poppe Fienchen 972 RDC
HaS Filou VG-86, a Amor daughter of Fienchen 580 at Hof am Sylvert
Other highlights
Poppe Red Hot Rita 860 Red is also got classified. This Snow RF daughter from the Willem’s Hoeve Rita family is classified VG-86 although she is producing over 50 kg of milk / day. Rita 860 has 2 Debutant sons in AI and has daughters by Debutant and Defender.
Also classified VG-86 is Poppe Moniek 789. This Shottle daughter is the dam to Jotan daughter Poppe Moniek 971 who was the champion heifer at a local show last week.
Poppe Red Hot Rita 860 Red VG-86