Pictures Holbra Sancodi VG-88

Holbra Sancodi VG-88
The very impressive Holbra Sancodi is recently pictured at Holbra Holsteins as you can see on the attached pictures. This very fancy Commander daughter - she is classified VG-88 a few weeks ago - is also one of the highest producing 2-yr olds in the Netherlands. At this moment she is projected at over 16.000 kg of milk with 3.42% protein in her 1st lactation.
The dam and granddam of Sancodi are high producing cows as well. Her Meridian dam, Holbra Sanadi VG-87, is projected at over 19.000 kg of milk in her current 3rd lactation and her granddam, Holbra Sana VG-89 (Snowman), produced over 18.500 kg of milk in her 2nd lactation.
Sancodi has 2 daughters sired by AltaSuperstar at Holbra Holsteins and she will be flushed soon. At De Wildsheuvel Holsteins you can find her Kerrigan daughter K&L KG Sancodi (+145
GRZG / +2469 GTPI). She is a full sister to the bull Holbra K&L Khedira @ VOST.
Holbra Sancodi VG-88
Holbra Sanadi VG-87
Holbra Sana VG-89