Picture from De Oosterhof DG Rose RDC, dam of the No. 1 GTPI worldwide

De Ossterhof DG Rose RDC
She is the dam of the No. 1 GTPI R&W worldwide at +2750 GTPI, Lakeside UPS Red Range at Koepon, De Oosterhof DG Rose RDC. This super cow is classified VG-87 and VG-88-MS and now owned by Sudena Holsteins, Ernst-Jan Mensink. she alos has a high production, she is projected at: 2.05 305d 10.422kgM 4.1%F 427kgF 3.4%P 354kgP.
Rose RDC is still one of the highest red carriers in Europe at +2657 GTPI, she has a super pedigree with only proven top bulls! VG-87 Rubicon x GP-83 Aikman RDC x VG-85 Man-O-Man x VG-87 Mascol x VG-88 Durham x EX-90 Rudolph x EX-95 Chief Mark.
The Holbra Prudence cowfamily is one of the most succesfull ones for B&W breeding, Rose RDC will make sure this will also happen at the Reds!! Rose has been flushed for the GenHotel Embryoprogramm and has 6 embryos available by top bull Spark Red! You can call Martijn van der Boom(0624217748) when you have interest. (17-9-2018 4 embryos have been sold)
De Oosterhof DG Rose RDC VG-87