Nice debut Poppe Holsteins in Apeldoorn

Poppe Fienchen 1159 RDC
Poppe Holsteins had a nice debut a local show in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. Silver daughter Poppe Fienchen 1159 RDC was named Reserve Junior 2-Yr Old in the B&W show. Fienchen 1159 is a granddaughter of Poppe Fienchen 803 RDC VG-87 (Danillo x Poppe Fienchen 580 RDC).
Poppe Fienchen 1159 RDC
ARGH & Werler
ARGH Holsteins and Werler Holsteins were also present in Apeldoorn. Distinction daughter Roccafarm Comine of ARGH Holsteins was placed second in her class and she eventually was named Honourable Mention Intermediate Champion. GW Cinderalla 24 (s. Goldwyn), also from the ARGH string, placed second in her class as well.
Julia 409 of Werler Holsteins placed second in an intermediate class. The dam to this Carta P daughter is Julia 388 P Red, a Lawn Boy daughter of Julia 382 EX-92 (s. Stadel). Julia 388 P Red is a full sister to the bulls Lowlands Bolero, Lowlands Jowel P and Red Cliff
Red Cliff
And this bull, Red Cliff, also has several very nice daughters in the Werler herd. Two of them were shown in the first class with senior cows in Apeldoorn. Netta 443 was placed second in this class and she placed over herdmate and half-sister Netta 444. The pedigree of Netta 443 goes via a Kian back at Faber daughter Netta 436. And Netta 444 is, via her Jotan dam, also a granddaughter of Netta 436.
Red Cliff, sire of Netta 443 & Netta 444
Big Holsteins
Big Holsteins had a very good weekend as well. Their Solero daughter Big Delta Anecy 1 was named Reserve Intermediate Champion at a local show in Wierden, the Netherlands. The pedigree of Anecy 1 goes via a daughter of Janos back at Groenhilde Mandoline, an O Man daughter from the Etazon Annecy / Plushanski Chief Faith family. Anecy 1 has a daughter sired by Crescendo that is projected at over 10.000 kg of milk with 3.55% protein.