More showring successes for Batouwe Holsteins

Batouwe Ks Lilly Red PP EX-90
When participating in the Fokveedag Hoornaar 2022, Batouwe Holsteins didn't go unnoticed. The fourth calver Batouwe Ks Lilly Red PP EX-90 showed a strong performance in the Red Holstein senior class.
The homozygous polled Batouwe Ks Lilly Red PP EX-90, tracing back through 3 generations to Lylehaven Durham Lila Z EX-94, follows the footsteps of this world-famous family. The EX-90 Kansas P daughter of Batouwe Holsteins made it into both the best udder finals as the finals of the Senior Championship Red Holstein. Lilly Red PP ended up the day by winning the title Best Udder and was also named Reserve Senior Champion Red Holstein in Hoornaar.
Rens Bakker participated in the Young Breeders competition and formed a great duo with Batouwe WR Licorice Red, a Mr Blondin Warrior-Red descendant from Rockymountain Talent Licorice RDC EX-95. Although the competition was strong, Rens earned the silver medal in the final of Showmanship.