Midwolder Jose 12 Reserve Champion GRS 2017

Midwolder Jose 12 (picture: Geert van Duinen)
Midwolder Jose 12 is named Reserve Intermediate Champion at the Groninger Rundvee Show 2017. This Mr Savage daughter hails from the Jose family at Midwolder Farm.
Koepon Genetics
Koepon Genetics had a very good day at the Groninger Rundvee Show as well. Koepon Bkm Classy 197 (Bookem x Koepon Shot Classy 17) was placed 2nd in the first 2-yr Old class. Also 2nd in her class with senior cows was Koepon Jeevs Klaske 82. Razor daughter Razor Imelda was placed first in her class with senior cows.
Young breeders
The children of Alex Borst (herd-manager at Koepon Genetics) where very successful in the Young Breeders show. Matteo Borst was named reserve champion of the calves with Koepon Boa Regenia 225 (Boastfull). His sister Lisanne Borst and Koepon Ap P Classy 286 (Apoll P) where a very successful duo. Classy 286 was named champion of the heifers and Lisanne was named reserve champion Toilet and champion Showmanship.
Results Groninger Rundvee Show 2017
Judge Danielle Kuiper taps Classy 286 as champion (picture: Geert van Duinen)