Type News

Holbra Hillie 20 now EX-91

Holbra Hillie 20, a herd favorite at Holbra Holsteins from family Holmer,  her classification score has been raised. She now received EX-91 with EX-94-MS and also excellent scores for Frame (EX-90) and Dairy strenght (EX-93).

Holbra Hillie 20 is very special for the Holmer family. Not only Holbra Hillie 20 herself has been bred by Holbra, also her sire (Holbra AltaSpot) and her dam (Holbra Hillie 15) have been bred by Holbra! Futhermore hse already has produced over 100.000 kg milk and was selected at the best 5 cows with over 10.000kgM at the National Show NRM last month! Hillie 20 has a lifetime production untill now of 102.195kgM with very high components: 4.87% fat 3.81% protein!

GenHotel congratulates familie Holmer with this top cow and hope she will continue producing a lot so easily and that she will have a lifetime production of over 10.000kgF+P!


Holbra Hillie 20 EX-91

Type News