High type scores at Caudumer

Caudumer Lol 303 PP Red VG-88
Herdclassification at Caudumer Holsteins resulted in very nice type scores. Especially for cows from the homebred Hinke and Lol family. 3 cows where classified VG-88.
Lol 292
One of the VG-88 classified cows is the Polled Mitey P daughter Caudumer Lol 303 PP Red VG-88. She is projected at 11.782 kg of milk with 3.98% protein in her 2nd lactation. Her dam is Lawn Boy daughter and broodcow Caudumer Lol 292-Red P VG-87. Also from this family hails Caudumer Lol 328, a VG-85 classified Applejax daughter. Lol 328 is the dam to a +158 GRZG Exploding Star.
Hinke 41
All 8 classified Hinkes hail from Lightning daughter Caudumer Hinke 41 VG-88, the dam to the proven bull Golden Eye (Gogo) in Germany. The highest 2-yr old was Caudumer Hinke 244. This Applejax daughter is classified VG-88 and her pedigree goes through daughters by Fidelity, Mr Burns and Classic back at Hinke 41. Also classified VG-88, but in her 4th lactation, is Caudumer Hinke 169 (Savard). Her dam is a Canvas daughter from a Konvoy of Hinke 41.
Name | Sire | Dam | Col | Lact. | FR | DS | MS | FL | TOT |
Lol 303 PP Red | Mitey P | Lol 292-Red P | R | 2 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 87 | 88 |
Hinke 244 | Applejax | Hinke 166 | R | 1 | 89 | 86 | 87 | 89 | 88 |
Hinke 169 | Savard | Hinke 66 | Z | 4 | 88 | 90 | 88 | 85 | 88 |
Hinke 183 | Jerudo | Hinke 88 | R | 3 | 89 | 87 | 88 | 84 | 87 |
Hinke 260 | Zabing | Hinke 62 | R | 1 | 85 | 86 | 88 | 86 | 87 |
Hinke 191 | Almighty | Hinke 125 | R | 3 | 83 | 84 | 87 | 86 | 86 |
Snowpolly 4 | Fanatic | Snowpolly | Z | 1 | 84 | 85 | 87 | 84 | 86 |
Hinke 155 | Fiction | Hinke 98 | R | 3 | 87 | 86 | 84 | 83 | 85 |
Hinke 212 | Kodak | Hinke 136 | R | 3 | 83 | 81 | 86 | 85 | 85 |
Hinke 228 | Kodak | Hinke 111 | R | 2 | 86 | 84 | 86 | 83 | 85 |
Lol 328 | Applejax | Lol 292-Red P | R | 1 | 83 | 86 | 87 | 83 | 85 |
Lol 334 | Griffith P | Lol 305 PP Red | R | 1 | 85 | 87 | 86 | 83 | 85 |