Great Midsummer Dairy Show for Barendonk

Barendonk Holsteins successful at Midsummer Dairy Show
Barendonk Holsteins was very successful at the Midsummer Dairy Show in Schijndel, the Netherlands. In a great atmosphere they won several titles.
Champion & Reserve
In the Intermediate class Barendonk Holsteins won both champion and reserve champion title. The champion in this class was the Barendonk Wilma 300, the Junior 2-yr old champion from last year and the NRM 2014. The Mr Savage daughter looked great and was placed overt herdmate Barendonk Emma 220 (Jotan) who was named reserve intermediate champion. A Fidelity daughter of Emma 220, Barendonk Emma 237 was named honourable mentions junior 2-yr old. But there was more success for the Emmy family and the Hermanussen family. Classic daughter Barendonk Emma 192 was named reserve senior champion and Ivo Hermanussen was named reserve champion showmanship.
Zandenburg & Molenkamp
One of the compatitors in the B&W show was Zandenburg Holsteins. Their Meridian daughter Zandenburg Meridian Camilla was placed 2nd in her class and was named honourable mention junior 2-yr old. Meridian Camilla is a daughter of Zandenburg Snowman Camilla, a VG-87 classified Snowman daughter of Anderstrup Ramos Camille EX-90.
Molenkamp Grietje 166 Red was also present at the show. The Jotan daughter of Molenkamp Holsteins was placed 2nd in her class. Her dam is the famous Goldwyn daughter Molenkamp Grietje 61 RDC VG-88. She is the dam to Molenkamp Jego at CRV, a half-brother to Grietje 166.
At the Barendonk Holstiens facebook page you will find a video of the intermediate championship
The Intermediate Champions: Emma 220 (l) & Wilma 300 (r)