Great classification Zandenburg Holsteins

Zandenburg Snowman Camilla nu VG-87
Zandenburg Holsteins had a great classification earlier this week with 16 yr olds (14 B&W and 2 R&W) scoring Very Good: 2x VG-88, 5x VG-87, 4x VG-86 and 5x VG-85.
Zandenburg Zelgadis Wanja 1 scored VG-88 (89 FR 88 DS 89 MS 87 FL). Her dam is Zandenburg Man O M. Wanja, a Man O Man daughter out of Zandenburg Duplex Wanja (Duplex x Jocko Wanja). A full ssiter to Wanja 1 scored VG-86. The other VG-88 classified 2-yr old is Zandenburg Chip Carley, a Gold Chip granddaughter of Zandenburg O Man Carley (O Man x Aaron x Peckenstein Esquimau Carley). A Epic granddaughter of O Man Carley is classified VG-87.
Furthermore several 2-yr olds from the homebred Fabiola and Ebony family classified VG-85 or higher. Zandenburg Snowman Ebony 1 is now classified VG-87. She is the dam of Zandenburg Boss Ebony 2 (+158 GRZG / +333 GNVI), Zandenburg Rocky Ebony 2 (+349 GNVI / +143 GRZG / +2297 GTPI) en Zandenburg Danno Ebony 2 (+366 GNVI / +151 GRZG / +2300 GTPI).
Overview with cows scoring at least VG-86
Name | Sire | Clr. | Lact. | Score |
Zelgadis Wanja 1 | Zelgadis | BW | 1 | VG-88 |
Chip Carley | Gold Chip | BW | 1 | VG-88 |
Palermo Anja | Palermo | BW | 2 | VG-88 |
Snowman Ebony | Snowman | BW | 1 | VG-87 |
Sam Fabiola | Molenkamp Sam | BW | 1 | VG-87 |
Epic Carley 1 | Epic | BW | 1 | VG-87 |
Snow Ebony R | Snowman | BW | 1 | VG-87 |
Destry Venise | Destry | BW | 1 | VG-87 |
Trigger Fabiola | Trigger | BW | 2 | VG-87 |
Jordan Fabiola | Jordan | BW | 2 | VG-87 |
Snowman Camilla | Snowman | BW | 2 | VG-87 |
Rock Ebony | Red Rock | BW | 3 | VG-86 |
Olympic Lucia | Olumpic | BW | 5 | VG-86 |
Zelgadis Wanja 1 | Zelgadis | BW | 1 | VG-86 |
Destry Bertha | Destry | BW | 1 | VG-86 |
Rozello Dellia | Rozello | BW | 1 | VG-86 |
Acme Ebony | Acme | RW | 1 | VG-86 |