Granddaughter Holbra Paulona “Miss Ostfriesland”
Odyssey Princes
The now famous German showcow Princes owned by Jürgen Hobbie is the new “Miss Ostfriesland”. First, the 2nd lactation Odyssey daughter won her class and was named champion young cow at the VOST Excellent-Schau in Leer, yesterday. Later she also was named Grand Champion of the show. Princes was successful as a 2-yr old as well. Last year she was named Junior Champion at the Excellent-Schau and after that she was placed 3rd in her class at the All-European Championship in Colmar.
The pedigree of Princes goes back at the well-known Holbra Paulona / Prudence family. Her dam is Holbra Atwood Patty, a VG-86 classified Atwood daughter out of the great broodcow Holbra Paulona VG-85 (Bolton x VG-87 O Man Paula x EX-90 Morty Petra x VG-88 Durham Prudence). Paulona is one of the most important broodcows for Holbra Holsteins. At this moment her great-granddaughters and their offspring lure sire-analysts to Laren. Yet, 6 daughters of Paulona are still among the eye-catchers in the herd of Holbra Holsteins.
Daughters Paulona at Holbra Holsteins
Name | sire | class. | # lact. | lifetime production |
Holbra Patwona | Atwood | VG-86 | 4 | 1303d. 44.196kgM 4.77%F 2107kgF 3.79%P 1674kgP |
Holbra Atwd Paulona | Atwood | VG-86 | 3 | 1230d. 44.646kgM 4.90%F 2188%F 3.68%P 1645kgP |
Holbra Rdn Paulona | Radon | VG-87 | 4 | 1265d. 40.308kgM 4.68%F 1885kgF 3.61%P 1454kgP |
Holbra Sana | Snowman | VG-89 | 2 | 1017d. 48.545kgM 3.63%F 1762kgF 3.63%P 1686kgP |
Holbra Lathoya | Lauthority | VG-85 | 3 | 1073d. 34.931kgM 4.35%F 1519kgF 3.76%P 1314kgP |
Holbra Chica | Gold Chip | VG-88 | 2 | 872d. 33.371kgM 3.96%F 1321kgF 3.35%P 1119kgP |
Holbra Emra | Emerald | VG-86 | 3 | 813d. 36.051kgM 4.17%F 1503kgF 3.62%P 1306kgP |
Holbra Paulona VG-85, awesome broodcow for Holbra Holsteins
Holbra Sana VG-89, Snowman daughter of Paulona and the dam to Holbra Inseme Rodanas in Italy