Geertje 409 & Charity 59 Grand Champion in Beilen

Geertje 409, a Secure daughter owned by Huntje Holstein en Wim Veneklaas-Slots, and Giessen Charity 59 (Atwood), from Giessen Holsteins, have claimed the Grand Champion titles at the Rundveeshow Noord in Beilen, the Netherlands. Geertje 409 displayed her awesome dairy strength and is following in the footsteps of her dam who captured the Senior- and Grand Champion title in 2015.
Wim Veneklaas-Slots and Henk Oudenampsen celebrate the Grand Champion title of Geertje 409 (picture: Auke Landman)
Success Giessen Holsteins
Many eyes where turned on Giessen Charity 59. This Atwood daughter represented Giessen Holsteins and the Netherlands at the All-European Championship in Colmar and did not disappoint. Charity 59 was named Intermediate Champion and went on to be the Grand Champion of this high quality dairyshow. In the battle for “Grand” the most resistance came from herd mate Spirit Precilla, the Senior Champion. The 11 year old Precilla looked very impressive with her incredible mammary system which already produced over 70.000 kg of milk.
But as this is not enough, Giessen Holsteins also won the Reserve Junior Champion title with Giessen Cinderella 97, sired by Gold Chip. Finally, a very successful day for Giessen Holsteins was completed with winning the herd-group competition.
Giessen Charity 59 (picture: Auke Landman)
Spirit Precilla (picture: Auke Landman)
Herd-group Giessen Holsteins (picture: Auke Landman)
Results Rundveeshow Noord 2016
ZB Vaarzen
Champion: KH Trina (Gold Chip) - Fam. Jonkers, Dwingeloo
Reserve: Giessen Cinderella 97 (Gold Chip) - Giessen Holsteins
ZB Midden
Champion: Giessen Charity 59 (Atwood) - Giessen Holsteins
Reserve: Prairie Hoeve Maggie 72 (Lauthority) - Fam. Verwaaijen
ZB Oud
Champion: Spirit Precilla (Spirit) - Giessen Holsteins
Reserve: Prairie Hoeve Maggie 57 (Instinct) - Fam. Verwaaijen
RB Jong
Champion: Nikita (Ladd P) - Fam. Scholten
Reserve: Mien 545 (Juul 76) - Fam. Simons
RB Oud
Champion: Geertje 409 - Huntje Holstein & Wim Veneklaas-Slots
Reserve: Jipsing Rieka 49 (Elson) - Rob Zwart & fam. Van Noord