2 New Excellent cows at Zandenburg

Zandenburg Cashm Wanja EX-90
Two more cows are classified with Excellent at Zandenburg Holsteins. These cows are Zandenburg Suran Camilla and Zandenburg Cashm Wanja. Both received 90 points.
Zandenburg Suran Camilla
Zandenburg Suran Camilla is a Suran daughter of Zandenburg Snowman Camilla VG-89 (Snowman x Anderstrup Ramos Camille VG-87). She is classified 91 Frame, 89 Dairystrength en 90 points for both mammary system and feet & legs.
Suran Camilla is a half-sister to the well-known Zandenburg Meridian Camilla VG-89. This Meridian daughter is classified with the maximum score of VG-89 as a 2-yr old and as a 3-yr old she reprecentet the Netherlands at the All-European Championship in Colmar, France. Another half-sister is Zandenburg Super Camilla 1, a VG-86 Supersire with several high testing daughters. The dam to these cows, Snowman Camilla, is also still present at Zandenburg Holsteins. Her lifetime total is almost 60.000 kg milk.
Zandenburg Snowman Camilla VG-89
Zandenburg Cashm Wanja
Zandenburg Cashm Wanja EX-90 (88 FR 91 DS 91 MS 89 FL) also hails from a “type-family”. The dam to this Cashmoney daughter is Zandenburg Duplex Wanja, a VG-89 classified Duplex daughter. Her dam is Wanja VG-89, this Jocko Besne daughter is also the dam to the famous showcow Veenhuizer Damion Winnie EX-92, the Grand Champion Libramont 2010 and HHH-Show 2011.
Zandenburg Duplex Wanja VG-89, dam to Cashm Wanja EX-90