100.000 kg milk for Barendonk Wilma 200
Barendonk Wilma 200 EX-91
Barendonk Wilma 200 has produced 100.000 kg of milk at Barendonk Holsteins. The Classic daughter is in her 7th lactation and has a lifetime total of 100.413 kg of milk with 3.76% fat and 3.33% protein.
Wilma 200 has also very fancy type. She is classified EX-91 and was named Senior Champion at the CRV Koe-Expo in 2011.
7 Sisters
Wilma 200 is one of 7 Classic sisters of Tulip daughter Barendonk Wilma 116 EX-90. These 7 sisters are classified 89.4 points on average and at least 4 of them were classified excellent. Barendonk Wilma 208 EX-92 and Barendonk Wilma 201 VG-87 are also still present at Barendonk. The lifetime total of Wilma 208 reaches to 76.194 kg of milk with 5.42% fat and 4.07% protein and Wilma 208 produced already 87.998 kg of milk with 4.42% fat and 3.79% protein.
Barendonk Wilma 200 wins Senior Championship at CRV Koe-Expo 2011