Bouw Holsteins - Jan Bouw


Genomic index DEU: +156 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 1383 M 0.19%F 0.04%P 77 F 53 P 144 RZM
Health 116 RZN 111 RZS 108 RZR 126 RZGes 2316 RZ€
Type 108 KÖR 113 MTY 112 EUT 119 FUN 124 RZE

Genomic index NLD: +371 GNVI (2024-12; B&W)

Production 2300 M 0.00%F -0.08%P 98 F 71 P 599 INET
Health 814 LVD 106 UGH 104 CGT 106 VRU
Type 98 FR 104 RB 106 UI 97 BE 102 TOT


Bouw Champion Hedy


WW Hazel

Sunrise daughter with very high NVI and extremely high production! Full brother in AI @OHG Very succesfull cowfamily! Due January 2025


History VG-86

LA1 305d 13.128kgM 3.89%F 511kgF 3.36%P 441kgP

Dam of WW Surfer @OHG , NO.2 gNVI 08-2023


RR Hypnotic GP-84

Next generations

  • Heaven GP-84 (s. Lighter)
  • Tir-An Boss Hortensia VG-86 (s. Boss )
    Very high Boss from Anderstrup Snow Heaven
  • Anderstrup Snowman Heaven VG-87 (s. Snowman)
    This Snowman has several high genomic tested daughters
  • Anderstrup Shottle Heidi VG-89 (s. Shottle)
  • Cogent B Heaven VG-87 (s. Boliver)
  • Darlawn Marshell Heaven-ET VG-86 (s. BW Marshall)
