Bouw Holsteins - Jan Bouw


Genomic index DEU: +142 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 1687 M -0.09%F -0.07%P 59 F 51 P 138 RZM
Health 112 RZN 118 RZS 106 RZR 121 RZGes 1933 RZ€
Type 111 KÖR 106 MTY 97 EUT 105 FUN 106 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2638 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1369 M -0.01%F 0.02%P 49 F 48 P 682 NM
Health +4.9 PL 2.69 SCS +0.7 DPR
Type -0.19 UDC 0.49 F&L 0.22 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +299 GNVI (2023-08; R&W)

Production 2686 M -0.29%F -0.22%P 89 F 72 P 519 INET
Health 441 LVD 103 UGH 104 CGT 104 VRU
Type 98 FR 100 RB 104 UI 100 BE 102 TOT

1 Progeny

Bouw Mask Rody Red
s. Mask Red
+352 GNVI  +147 GRZG


Bouw Freestyle Romy Red GP-84

2.01 305d 10.493kgM 3.83%F 402kgF 3.30%P 346kgP
3.01 305d 10.902kgM 4.02%F 438kgF 3.39%P 369kgP

82 FR  85 DS  84 MS  82 FL  GP-84


Bouw Andy Raisa Red GP-83

2.10 305d 11.441kgM 4.36%F 499kgF 3.47%P 397kgP
4.00 305d 11.803kgM 4.50%F 531kgF 3.34%P 394kgP
4.11 305d 11.822kgM 4.91%F 580kgF 3.25%P 384kgP

Granddaughter of 'Red Impact Cow Of The year 2020' nominee Rose VG-87 Same family as Holbra Manoa VG-85 and matriarch Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95


Bouw Apprentice Rosanne-ET RDC GP-82

2.02 305d 10.525kgM 4.19%F 441kgF 3.17%P 334kgP
3.02 305d 13.797kgM 3.81%F 526kgF 3.23%P 446kgP
4.04 305d 13.318kgM 4.03%F 536kgF 3.24%P 432kgP

Apprentice RDC

De Oosterhof Dg Rose RDC VG-89

Lifetime: 2.201d 77.855kgM 4.79%F 3.729kgF 3.59%P 2.795kgP

6th lactation (11-2024). At least 5 sons in AI. Red Impact Cow of the Year 2022 nominee! Super transmitting cow, several sons in AI and granddam of 3STAR OH Red Ranger @ Semex!!

Next generations

  • Telgter Aikman Doreen RDC GP-83 (s. Aikman RDC)
  • Holbra Manoa VG-85 (s. Man-O-Man)
  • Holbra Pam VG-87 (s. Mascol)
    Lifetime: 2062d 73.468kgM 4.46%F 3274kgF 3.57%P 2620kgP
  • Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88 (s. Durham)
  • Mayerlane-DK Hiawatha EX-90 (s. Rudolph)
  • Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 (s. Chief Mark)
    Next dam EX-91 Sexation x EX-93 Elevation x EX-94 Highmark x EX-91 Bootmaker Lee x EX-90 Mingo x VG-85 Star Man x VG-86 Rag Apple 
