Successful “Rundveeshow Noord” for GenHotel members
The herdgroup of Giessen Holsteins
At the Rundveeshow Noord in Beilen (North of the Netherlands) the Grand Champion title was claimed by Giessen Precilla 2. The Ross daughter of the well-known Spirit Precilla was the Senior champion and placed over Prairie Hoeve Hendrika 39 (Goldwyn), the reserve champion of the NRM 2014 and owned by Alex Verwaijen. Honorable Mention title went to Million daughter Giessen Charity 44 from again Giessen Holsteins. Precille 2 also led the herdgroep of Giessen Holsteins to victory in the herd groep competition.
The red Giessen Cecibell 4 (Maximus) was named junior champion in the R&W show. Her Savard sister had the best mammary system in the R&W show and Giessen Praline 12 (Struik x Giessen Praline 2) was the cow with the best udder in the B&W show.
Grand & Senior Champion: Giessen Prescilla 2 (left)
Res. Champion: Prairie Hoeve Hendrika 39 (middle)
Hon. Mention: Giessen Charity 44 (right)
Giessen Cecibel 2
Veenhuizer Gold One was named Intermediate champion. Gold One, a Goldwyn daughter of Veenhuizer Damion Winnie, placed over herdmate Dijkstar F&F Jasper Queen, a Jasper daughter of Bons-Holstein Koba 152 EX-92. RR Emily, a Mogul daughter owned by Veenhuizer and Jos Tijhuis, was named reserve junior champion behind Hemrik Holstein Braxton Amber, a Braxton daughter owned by Brand Jan de Haan.
Jasper Queen, Gold One and RR Emily also presented the herdgroup for Veenhuizer Holsteins which was placed 2nd in their class.
Veenhuizer Gold One (picture: Auke Landman)
RR Emily
Red Rocks and Drouner
Red Rocks Massia 25, a Thunder daughter of Red Rocks Holsteins, was named reserve senior champion in the R&W show. Senior champion was Reiertjeshoeve Geertje 407 (Talent) owned by Co de Haan, Beerta.
Drouner AJDH Aiko 1267 P-Red, a red Kanu P daughter of Drouner AJDH Aiko RDC VG-87 (Fredde x EX-91 KHW Goldwyn Aiko RC EX-91 x Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude EX-95) was named champion heifer. Aiko 1267 is owned by K&L and Drouner Holsteins and placed over herdmate Drouner AJDH Gold Cosco (Gold Chip).
Drouner AJDH Aiko 1267