Laron P stands in the top 5 daughter proven bulls
Laron P, bred by Schreur Holsteins and owned by the ZBH in Germany, stands in the top 5 daughter proven R&W bulls in Germany with his first daughter based index! Laron P has 133 RZG and 120 RZE.The dam to Laron P is Schreur Shiney RF VG-85. She is a RC Shottle daughter from Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87! Schreur Holsteins has several interesting (grand)daughter from Shiney that are beïng flushed. Schreur Serena RC is a good example, she is a RC Niagra daughter from Shiney. If you are interested in this proven cow family, please contact K&L.
Click here for more information on Schreur Holsteins
Laron P RED
Schreur Shiney VG-85