Highest gRZG bull ever bred by CEH Holsteins!

Hartford Hydro Savor 504 RDC VG-85, 4th dam
When the genomics results of the newly tested bulls arrived at the RUW in Germany last week, they had to tinker twice with their eyes. Never before an animal in Germany has tested as high as this red-and-white K&L Sputnik RDC son of GenHotel member CEH Holsteins!
With a gRZG of 175 this extremely high young sire, sired by K&L Sputnik RDC (164 gRZG), is the absolute number 1 based on gRZG! This bull is out of a 164 gRZG Gywer RDC dam, CEH RUW Sinfoni Red, and a descendant of Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90.
The Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90 family is known for its great transmitting cows and several (daughter proven) sires in AI, such as: Mr Salvatore RDC, Dymentholm S Sympatico RDC, Mr Savage, Crackholm Secure Red and Westcoast Swingman-Red.
We will hear a lot more about this (future) star for sure!
Dymentholm Sunview Scoby RDC VG-88, 5th dam
Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk RDC EX-90, 6th dam