Great Balisto daughters from the Regenia family
Koepon Stormatic Reginia VG-89
Several interesting Balisto daughters are fresh at Koepon Genetics. Two of the highest Balisto daughters at Koepon on German basis are Koepon Balisto Regenia 164 (+155 GRZG) and Koepon Bal Regenia 156 (+154 GRZG). Both hail from the Regenia family and they have a few more things in common.
For example their pedigree. Both Regenia 164 and Regenia 156 are Balisto daughters from an Epic dam and they have a Man O Man granddam. The pedigree of Regenia 164 goes via Koepon Epic Regenia 115 VG-85 and Koepon Mano Regenia 68 VG-86 back at Koepon Col Regenia 30 VG-85, a Colby daughter of Koepon Storm Reginia VG-89 (Stormatic x Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92). The dam of Regenia 156 is Koepon Epic Regenia 109 VG-86 and her granddam is Koepon Mano Regenia 73 VG-86. Next dam is Koepon Shot Regenia 10 VG-86, a Shottle daughter of Koepon Storm Reginia and a half-sister to the dam of Regenia 164.
Another similarity between these two Balisto's is the fact that they both have interesting offspring. Regenia 164 is the dam to high daughters sired by Doorsopen (+333 GNVI / +157 GRZG) and Jetset (+307 GNVI / +153 GRZG). Regenia 156 has offspring by Bestboss (+155 GRZG) and Jetset (+303 GNVI).
Koepon Epic Regenia 109 VG-86, dam to Regenia 156