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Max. score of VG-89 MS for 3STAR OH Mazzali

Over the past few years, the Maybelline Tual VG-85 cow family has played a significant role in the joint breeding program of De Oosterhof and GenHotel. K&L OH Mabel has been a key factor in this success. The story of success continues with 3STAR OH Mazzali, a granddaughter of Mabel by Peak AltaZazzle. Mazzali has proven to be a successful producer of high-quality offspring and has also excelled as a first calver in the milking parlor.

Born in April 2021, Mazzali is one of the high-impacting AltaZazzle daughters with A2A2 & BB and traces back via her Kenobi dam to the well-known bull dam K&L OH Mabel. After Mazzali was born, her exceptional genomic result of 162 gRZG and 3050 gTPI were revealed, which prompted her to be fully flushed as a heifer. In the following year, over 35 offspring with scores of up to 3098 gTPI, 152 gRZG, and 333 gNVI were born. Her TPI in particular was outstanding, making her the No. 1 AltaZazzle daughter among all European females.

Last December, Mazzali freshened for the first time. Her projected 305-day lactation shows 9578kgM with 4.70% fat and 3.67% protein. Last week she classified GP-84 with no less than a maximal score of VG-89 for her mammary. 

Granddam K&L OH Mabel

At the moment, several high (also red factor) offspring, from different sires, are being flushed. Flushes have been made with interesting bull sires such as High Caliber, Hansel, Escapative and Handout P Red. Interested? Embryos are available through the 3STAR Embryo Program. Get in touch with us.

Some of her most interesting daughters are:

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