Oosterbrook Holsteins - Leon Heijink


Genomic index DEU: +129 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 755 M 0.36%F 0.14%P 70 F 42 P 137 RZM
Health 97 RZN 106 RZS 96 RZR 104 RZGes 1228 RZ€
Type 115 KÖR 107 MTY 87 EUT 127 FUN 112 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2497 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 744 M 0.15%F 0.09%P 72 F 48 P 532 NM
Health +0.3 PL 2.96 SCS -2.1 DPR
Type -0.10 UDC 0.61 F&L 0.39 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +188 GNVI (2023-12; B&W)

Production 980 M 0.22%F 0.12%P 63 F 46 P 332 INET
Health 14 LVD 101 UGH 104 CGT 100 VRU
Type 104 FR 105 RB 101 UI 104 BE 105 TOT

1 Progeny

s. Borax-Red
+2732 GTPI 


Oosterbrook Endless Alise RDC

Endless RDC

Oosterbrook Remington Elise VG-86

1.11 305d 9.181kgM 3.77%F 346kgF 3.41%P 313kgP
2.10 305d 12.243kgM 3.60%F 440kgF 3.64%P 446kgP


RR Elsa VG-85

2.00 305d 10.487kgM 3.82%F 401kgF 3.48%P 365kgP
3.02 305d 11.397kgM 3.52%F 401kgF 3.50%P 399kgP
4.05 305d 11.965kgM 4.21%F 504kgF 3.69%P 441kgP

The Elsa's have tremendous production potential and huge protein.


RR Eliana

Next generations

  • RR Elisa-Marie VG-86 (s. Boss )
    Dam of Backstage (s. Battlecry)
  • RR Eluisa VG-89 (s. Maxim)
    Dam of BestBoss (s. Boss) @ Mastterrind
  • RR Elisa EX-90 (s. Shottle)
    Dam to Omanoman, Pagini, Sunday, over 100.000kgM!
  • Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90 (s. BW Marshall)
    Dam to Flevo Genetics Snowman!
  • Ever-Green-View Elsa VG-89 (s. Aaron)
  • Ever-Green-View Elsie EX-92 (s. Bell Elton)
