Red and polled from Jacobs Goldwyn Lisamaree EX-94!

Jacobs Goldwyn Lisamaree EX-94
ZHW Holsteins is bringing a beautiful heifer with a stunning pedigree for sale again. It's a heifer sired by Farnear Aircraft RDC, which traces back to Jacobs Goldwyn Lisamaree EX-94, 1st Longtime Production at the Royal Winter Fair 2017 & All-Canadian Longtime Production 2017! Saturday evening, September 7, this heifer will be auctioned.
ZHW Aircraft Libby P Red is almost one year old and has been tested in America with +2.48 UDC and +3.60 gPTAT. She is currently the number 4 gPTAT Aircraft RDC daughter in Europe and is the number 1 polled daughter of this American bull based on her gPTAT score. On the German RZG system, she presents a striking typpe profile as well with 128 MYT, 129 EUT, and 140 gRZE. Given Libby P Red's age, there is an opportunity to expand this branchfurther and introduce her to your flush program soon!
Dam Dunkhorst Illustrator Liberty P Red VG-86 s. Illustrator P RDC
Libby P Red's dam is a first lactation Red Holstein named Liberty P Red. Her first classifation score went to VG-86 with VG-87 MS. This makes her the 8th generation with a score of VG or EX from this cow family. This impressive line, which can be traced back to show giant Lisamaree EX-94, is gaining ground and has produced well-known names such as Jacobs Day Lufty EX-92, Jacobs Diamondback Lisan EX-92, and Jacobs Fitz Laurance EX-94!
Lot 73 ZHW Aircraft Libby P Red - Wilcor Sale 2024
Consigned by ZHW Holsteins & Viering
Jacobs Diamondback Lisan EX-92, full sister to 3rd dam Lisa VG-87
Jacobs Fitz Laurance EX-94 (Fitz x Lisamaree)