Lindenhof Holsteins - Fam. Höhler


Genomic index DEU: +147 GRZG (2024-09)

Production 202 M 0.74%F 0.25%P 85 F 33 P 136 RZM
Health 116 RZN 125 RZS 105 RZR 122 RZGes 1935 RZ€
Type 114 KÖR 102 MTY 115 EUT 103 FUN 117 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2810 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 407 M 0.30%F 0.11%P 93 F 42 P 825 NM
Health +4.7 PL 2.53 SCS -0.9 DPR
Type 1.18 UDC -0.32 F&L 0.55 PTAT


HLB Lolita


HBL Lorena GP-84

First milk recording: 32kgM 5,00%F & 3,66%P


HLD Lyda

Highest daughter of Lexor Lydia based on TPI and RZG


Bertaiola Lexor Lydia

Next generations

  • Bertaiola Alexander Lidia VG-88 (s. Alexander)
    #1 gTPI Alexander in Europe
  • Bertaiola Bolton Lidia VG-86 (s. Bolton)
  • Bel Iron Irene EX-90 (s. Boss Iron)
    Dam of Bertaiola Mincio (s. Bolton)
  • Bel Mtoto Elisa VG-85 (s. Mtoto)
  • Bel Astre Unforgettable EX-91 (s. Duregal)
  • Bel Mark Susanne VG-89 (s. Chief Mark)
    x VG-85 x EX-91 x VG-86 x VG-86
