HLB Ortega to HWH Holstein & GenHotel

HLB Binale VG-87 (s. Balisto), granddam of HLB Ortega
At the Zukunft Rind Sale 2019 last week in Alsfeld HLB Ortega, the number 1 Avicii daughter out of the great Richmond-FD Barbie EX-92 family consigned by Lindenhof Holsteins, is sold to HWH Holsteins and GenHotel.
Ortega her dam HLB Olala is a high Jetset daughter from HLB Binale VG-87, one of the best De-Su Balisto daughters globally. Binale her granddam Richmond-FD S Barbara EX-90 is the dam of the number 1 TPI proven Numero Uno son Richmond-FD El Bombero. Next dam is the tremendous producing Emerald-Acres Sa T-Baxter daughter Richmond-FD Barbie EX-92, followed by Richmond-FD M-Str Gabrielle EX-91 (s. Garrison).
Richmond-FD S Barbara EX-90 (s. Superstition), 4th dam of HLB Ortega
Richmond-FD Barbie EX-92 (s. AltaBaxter), 5th dam of HLB Ortega
Richmond-FD El Bombero (Numero Uno x Barbara),
highest Numero Uno son worldwide, proven sire @ Semex