WHAT HAPPENS At www.genhotel.nL?

On the GenHotel website you will find the latest news from the Holstein breeding world. In addition, there are pages with information about the current Sire-of-Sons and Toplists for the highest genomic heifers in Europe. Auctions are regularly organized for heifers (Selection Sale) and there is a constant supply of embryos (Embryo Sale). Only genetics from GenHotel members is being offered at these auctions.
Breeders within Europe can join GenHotel to promote their business online and sell their genetics. Interesting and nice company details are mentioned and the most popular breeding cows (donors) are presented, supported by photos and pedigrees. Classifier information, high genomic results and / or other fun facts are presented at the GenHotel site to promote the breeding work of our members.

A GenHotel Membership Offers you

  • The many visitors create more brand awareness for the members worldwide
  • GenHotel puts the animals of the members in the spotlight and we continuously organize auctions to create sales opportunities
  • Always up-to-date genomic data of the animals available. Members can also print listings themselves in the desired order for genomic evaluations (GTPI, GRZG and / or GNVI)
  • Visitors are updated with the latest breeding news
  • GenHotel manages the website for its members. Members do not need to advertise or organize their own website
  • GenHotel organizes interesting trips & meetings (GenHotel day)
  • Inside information is regularly shared with the members


Please contact us by phone (+31(0)654796318) or mail ( or use the contactform at our site so sign up for a GenHotel Membership. We offer 2 types of memberships: "GOLD MEMBERSHIP" and "SILVER MEMBERSHIP". Find more information here.