VOSt SelectSale additions score at Poppe Holsteins

Den Hamer Red Hot Feebe RDC (s. Balisto)
The Poppe family milk for some years now successfull with AMS. This is also showing in the herds yearly mean production: 13.301kgM, 4.02%F and 3.41%P, the first calvers manage to do very well with an average yearly production of 11.687kgM, 4.00%F and 3.43%P. With these weeks classification at Poppe Holsteins where 20 animals been classified. Some of the animals are co-owned with Red Hot Holsteins and GenHotel. From the 20 cows which got a (new)classification score, two where red and white heifers and one of the cows was a second calver. Two first calvers where bought on the VOSt SelectSale 2017. This classifications average was 83.2 AV.
- 8833 Roosje [Topgear x Snowfever]: 86R 88DS 85MS 86FL - VG86
- KHE I'm Good [Gymnast x Rubicon]: 87R 88DS 87MS 83FL - VG86
This milking heifer was bought on the VOSt SelectSale 2017 by Poppe and GenHotel. I'm Good is a two year old Gymnast daughter with still a shining profile: 150 gRZG/2580gTPI. Her fullbrother Gigante is already in Italy for AI. Her pedigree is lovely with a lot of showpotential and goes al the way back to Ugela Bell dochter Gourmette EX-92 (s. Ugela Bell). There are already a various of offspring with great linear profiles. Two sons are already at the VOSt AI station in Germany. And she has several high female offspring up to 165 gRZG!
KHE Island VG-85 (s. Shotglass) granddam I'm Good VG-86
- Wilder K&L Sally Red [Mission P RDC x VG-85 Apoll P Red]: 84R 86DS 88MS 82FL - VG85
This Mission P RDC is offspring from Wilder Smile Red VG-85 (s. Brekem RDC), which makes her family of the great Apina Massia's. She was a lotnumber on the VOSt SelectSale back in 2017 where Poppe became her new owner. This family is a very popular one for sire analysts. Sally Red herself is the dam of Poppe Simone RDC, the highest flush age Red carrier heifer on NVI worldwide! Also Wilder Smart Red and Hunter K&L Wilder Space P Red are from one and the same family.
Wilder Saturn P Red VG-85 (v. Apoll P) moeder van Wilder K&L Sally Red VG-85
- Poppe Joliena 1520 [Esperanto x Silver]: 83R 86DS 89MS 82FL - VG85
Her roots bring her back via De Biesheuvel Javina 19 VG-88 (s. Bolton) to Plushanski Chief Faith EX-94 (s. Arlinda Chief). Joliena is an early Esperanto dochter. She got a maximum score for her mammarysystem as a 2 year old.
De Biesheuvel Javina 19 VG-88 (s. Bolton) 4th dam Poppe Joliena 1520 VG-85
- Den Hamer Red Hot Feebe RDC [Balisto x VG-86 Amor Red]: 88R 89DS 87MS 89FL - VG88 / 5yr old
Feebe is a second calver Balisto from the Fienchen familie. She does an amazing job as it comes to the production of components. She produces high fat as well as protein.
Den Hamer Red Hot Feebe RDC VG-88 (s. Balisto)