De Sanderij shows another high level classification

Apina Massia 102 RDC EX-90 (s. Shottle): matriarch of many cows at De Sanderij
The Hietbrink family from dairyfarm 'De Sanderij' is active within both red and white and black and white Holstein breeding. They managed to do very well as it comes to top genomics breeding. Not only genomics is for them of a big importance, but also functionality. With lots of proud and passion take Johan and Siepie care of their animals, this also shows in the results; the mean production per year of this herd is 10.666kg with 4.32%f and 3.53%p. Also their classification scores are impressive. The average score of the black and whites is VG 84.4 and for the red and whites the averages is VG 84.1!
In the last classification round 17 heifers got a first classification score, also a 5th calver got a new score! The highlights:
- Sanderij Lovely P RDC (Mr Puma x GP-84 Exploding Star): 87R 88DS 88MS 84FL - VG 87
Lovely P RDC is a Mr Puma daughter from the impressive Caudumer Lol family. Her dam Caudumer Lol 365 P Red GP-84U was one of the highest red and polled heifers based on NVI and RZG at the time the Hietbrink family bought her. The Caudumer Lol family is booming because of their high milk production and their high-ranking genomic profiles, this also makes there is a large demand of sires from this pedigree.
- Wilder Kontac (Gymnast x Battlecry): 83R 87DS 89MS 87FL - VG 87
This early Gymnast daughter is offspring of the well-known Wilder Kanu 111 RDC VG-88 (s. Snowman), Kanu 111 RDC is her 4th dam. Kontac arrived, as a young heifer at De Sanderij after she was bought on the German Selection Sale. The Wilder Kanu family is known troughout Europe through their flaweless genomics profiles and super comformation.
Rearudder of Wilder Kontac VG-87, maximum score of VG-89 for MS
- Sanderij April P 1 (Nova Star x Apoll P Red): 87R 85DS 86MS 87FL - VG 86
- Sanderij Massia Bonnie 1 (Handy P RDC x VG-86 Bolt RF): 85R 87DS 87MS 85FL - VG 86
- Sanderij Massia Sneeuwwitje RDC (Snowman x EX-90 Shottle): 87R 91DS 90MS 87FL - VG 89 / 8YR
With Apina Massia 102 RDC EX-90 (s. Shottle) as her dam, Sneeuwwitje belongs the to same family as sires Dixieland, Detroit, Fireman and Payback. Sneeuwwitje RDC herself is dam of sires Sanderij Payback Red & Sanderij Perka RDC. Just like Sneeuwwitje, also April P 1 and Bonnie 1 are from the Apina Massia familie! During this classification are an amazing number of 10 offspring from Apina Massia classified at De Sanderij, they got an average score of VG 84.4!
Sanderij Massia Sneeuwwitje RDC VG-89 (s. Snowman) as a first calver